Sunday, November 10, 2013

Trekking Day 8 - A day of bridges

Our hardest days are now behind us... And today was another glorious day in the mountains.  We awoke to frosty blue skies once again- but this time the sun reached camp at about 7am, so we all celebrated and appreciated the chance to warm ourselves in the sun before the hike began.  I took the opportunity to snap some rare phone-photos, of camp and the horses as they were being prepared for the day:

Our hike today took us back below tree line; we hiked down a valley and followed the Thimphu River almost all day.  We crossed the river so many times that we all lost count- it was at least 7, all with bridges of various craftsmanship that were made to carry the weight of multiple pack horses. 

The river itself was gorgeous... Crystal clear with a hint of glacial blue color.  We hiked down, down, down with the river, then turned uphill toward our camp. We had gone down so far that we needed to go up 1,000ft to our tenting spot. I felt surprisingly good for the ascent- last night was my best sleep of the trip so far- but fatigue was evident on many of the other Trekkers.  

We've had a cold/cough working its way through camp for several days now, and partly as a result of that three of the group have needed treatment for altitude issues.  I have a bit of a cold myself but I count myself very lucky to not be among the more seriously afflicted.

I found my best souvenir of the trip today- a purple unopened pinecone off a down branch.  It is so pretty and different from anything in the States... And I feel like I will be bringing home a little bit of life from the Himalayas.

Just two more days of hiking... I can't believe it is almost over already!  I have to admit I am looking forward to a nice warm bed... And the pizza we've been promised on our first night off trail! But mostly I will be sad to say goodbye to these mountains, and the daily routine of the hike.  I hope some twist of fate brings me back here someday, it is a truly special place.

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