Saturday, October 26, 2013

On my way

Well, it's a beautiful morning, 7:15 AM and I'm watching the sun come up from 30,000 ft.
I'm on my way- six months of planning and this is finally really happening! 

Finished packing yesterday afternoon... the bathroom scale got a workout making sure I stayed under 32lbs for my trekking gear and under 50 in the gigantic bag I just checked at the airport. But we did it!

Funny drama/news this morning: as I was waiting for the plane to take off, I saw an email from Tusker (the tour company), warning people not to take the trip if we aren't feeling well.  Apparently someone on a recent trek got sick right before leaving and went anyway... They ended up getting much sicker, having to be evacuated and getting six other people from the trip sick too! Yikes!

So I'll try not to be a hypochondriac as I sit here, wondering if my throat is scratchy because I'm breathing airplane air... Or if something much more sinister is going on! I think I'll choose the former...

Anyway- back to the trip. Today I head to New York. Dad is picking me up there and we head straight to my nephews' football game in CT.  I can't wait- haven't seen my sister and the kids in over a year, so this will be a great chance (though short) to catch up. 

Before I sign off here, I need to have a moment of appreciation.  I just want to take a minute to say thanks to my wonderful husband... Who has wholeheartedly supported the decision to send me on this trip, even though it meant leaving him behind. He helped me shop, pack, and train over the past few months, and I really have no words to express how grateful I am for everything. I will miss you Patrick!

1 comment:

  1. Chris - it's my pleasure. Trip of a deserve it and I'm happy to support you!!! Just take lots of pictures. :)

    See you soon - P
