Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tiger's Nest monastery- and our first hike!

Today, on our first full day here in Bhutan, we hiked about 7 miles- and more importantly about 2,000 feet in elevation. Our destination was an amazing monastery perched on the side of a cliff, that was originally built hundreds of years ago, completely by hand.
You can get some perspective of it in this photo... It sits in the middle right of the frame.  But of course, the view only improved as we got closer to it- here it is with a couple people you might know:
It was truly beautiful and awe-inspiring... And the weather today could not have been better.  It was cool and overcast when we started in the morning, and then the sun came out and shone brilliantly on the forest, the mountainside, and our impressive destination. I still can't believe I am hiking in the Himalayas!

But there were reminders all around us to kept us aware of where we were.  First, many of the people we passed along our way were dressed in traditional Bhutanese clothing- most notably their beautiful robes. Second... The prayer flags!  I think I saw more prayer flags today than in the rest of my life combined!  It was very cool- they had likely been hung by Buddhists on pilgrimage to the Tiger's Nest. It is such a special place that almost all Himalayan Buddhists will visit at least once in their life. And many monks will go up and stay for long periods to meditate - years, in some cases! They only come down the mountain once a year to gather supplies. What a life it must be...

The hiking itself was a great test- mostly pretty straightforward, but with a lengthy section of stairs right near the monastery. Tiring, but a great shake-down hike.

I don't have any photos of the inside of the monastery- in fact none of us do because it isn't allowed.  But it seemed appropriate, in that place, to quietly respect it rather than snapping photos to immortalize it digitally. It was very cool.

Well... This will be my last post for a while. I will keep writing on the trek, but won't be able to post until we are back to town in 10 days.  I expect this will be one of the most incredible experiences of my life... And I look forward to sharing it with all of you! In the meantime, take care- and send good thought for our safe travel through the Himalayas!

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